There will be without doubt links missing, If you know of one please let us know. This will certainly be the case with Wagner Societies - although a full list can be found at the excellent Richard-Wagner-Verband International .
April upcoming
Here’s what I’m looking forward to in April: April 1st. Ambur Braid is
giving a master class at noon in Walter Hall. This is not an April Fool…
Fiesta de orquestas en el Arsht de Miami
El formidable desfile de orquestas que ofreció la Serie Clásica del Arsht
Center se ubica cómodamente entre lo mejor de la temporada musical 2024-25
a punt...
Salome: the poetry of horror
The contrast between baroque opulence and the bleak coldness of its
characters is wonderfully displayed in this SALOME from Opera Vlaanderen.
In a staging...
NY Wagner Society Announces Auditions for Grants
The Wagner Society of New York has, for many years, awarded grants to young
singers whose gifts and talents indicate that they may have a future in the
The Future
Today is Nostradomus day.These are my predictions for the coming year (I
hoope I'm wrong)> First, Trump will begin the roundup and deportaton anyone
he ded...
Die Walkurie in Sydney
The Sydney Symphony Orchestra put on a sung version of Wagner's Die
Walkürie this month and both performances were sold out, as well they might
be with Sim...
I am in Lahti, Finland, to give a talk at the Lahti Symphony's Sibelius
Festival. I've been wanting to visit since I encountered Osmo Vänskä's
revelatory B...
Blog beëindigd. Leidmotief verkaste naar Substack, "the home of great
writing". Klik hier Blog discontinued. Leidmotief migrated to Substack,
"the home of ...
Tolkien Experience Podcast
Eglerio! I am very pleased and quite honoured to be the third Tolkien
scholar interviewed for the brilliant new Tolkien Experience Podcast -
which has be...
Sinfónica de Arequipa en Lima
*Gran Teatro Nacional celebra el 479º aniversario de Arequipa con la gala
“Carnaval". *
(Difusión) Concierto a cargo de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Arequipa,...
100 years since the birth of Galina Ustvolskaya
Today marks the centenary of the birth of the composer Galina Ustvlskaya,
in Petrograd (now St Petersburg) in 1919. After studying composition with
The Gig Economy Bride
Greetings, meine Damen und Herren, I appear among you today to convey my
Smetana hot takes, which were simply too spicy for social media to handle.
Trust t...
Royal Opera House announces Ring Cycles for 2018!
Very excited by this announcement. Must start saving now…. ADVANCE
ANNOUNCEMENT Four full cycles performed September–November 2018 The 2018/19
Season open...
The Most Terrifying Aria In All Of Opera
The most terrifying aria in all of opera, or why Mozart stands alone as a
composer of dramma per musica. (Our thanks to The Music...
Carmen Aldrich
Carmen at Chorégie d’Orange was TV live broadcast less than two weeks ago.
Contrary to the Puccini operas or the dreaded Verismo repertoire, Carmen is
Rusalka in the basement of Fritzl
Rusalka. DVD. Bavarian State Opera 2010. Production: Martin Kusej.
Conductor: Tomas Hanus. Cast: Kristine Opolais (Rusalka), Klaus Florian
Vogt (Prince), G...
All-Wagner Concert on Friday, May 21
Please join us for "Exquisite Love Duets and Solos by Richard Wagner," on
Friday, May 21, 2010, at Pickman Hall, Longy School of Music, Cambridge,