Mastodon June 2019 - The Wagnerian

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Sponsor Your Own Meistersinger?

Written By The Wagnerian on Saturday, 1 June 2019 | 3:50:00 am

We reported previously, that the fantastic Fulham Opera will be staging its first Meistersinger in August this year. As you may know, FO has a long, and celebrated, history of Wagner productions, including a Ring cycle. But this will be the first time they will perform,
in central London, in a large concert hall. They will also have an orchestra, different from their wonderfully, piano-led early Wagner.  However, FO receives no grants or funding and relies on ticket sales and help provided from artists and lovers of Wagner's work.

With this in mind, they are asking if any individuals or companies would help by "sponsoring" a Meistersinger. Doing so, will not only help us see more, independent, large scale, opera productions but will give you access to a number of extras including exclusive "Friends of FO events.

For more details on how you might help, please click this link
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