However, before you vote, the problem for us is selecting which productions to include in that the vote. Only 20 years or so ago, this would have been easy - there were simply not that many Ring cycles that had been recorded on video and then made commercially available. But things are different now and it can seem we have been swamped with productions - not a bad thing.
So, with the above in mind, we would appreciate if you would complete the form below, adding the name of three Ring cycles on DVD that you admire, in no particular order - you will have plenty of time later to select the one you think is the best. And should you only be able to think of one production, or just two then that's great also.
Again, we would appreciate your help. Please note, we will not record any details about you other than your answers. That includes IP address.
Note: If the embed form does not work for you, you may click this link to go directly to the form