
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Back Injury Causes Barenboim To Pull From Ring Cycle Performances

A back injury, following a fall last year,  means Daniel Bar­en­boim must withdraw from Bar­bara Frittoli’s recital and at least three performances of Göt­ter­däm­mer­ung at La Scala. Instead he will be receiving "intensive" medical treatment in Berlin. Karl-Heinz Steffens will stand in for Barenboim on the three performances on 18, 22, 26 May. Steffen's made his debut at La Scala  12 months ago with Don Giovanni. It is believed that Barenboim will return to conduct Göt­ter­däm­mer­ung for its performance on the 30th May.
Press Release reads:

"A fall on his back last Octo­ber has caused Maes­tro Daniel Bar­en­boim some dif­fi­culty in his move­ments which has, with time, caused him severe pain in his right hip and leg. Since Octo­ber Il Maes­tro has been able to ful­fil all his com­mit­ments. How­ever, the con­tinu­ing prob­lem requires that Maes­tro Bar­en­boim receives intens­ive med­ical treat­ment in Ber­lin. There­fore he will be unable to per­form in Bar­bara Frittoli’s recital, and will miss the first three per­form­ances of Göt­ter­däm­mer­ung, but he is con­fid­ent that he will be able to resume work at the end of May."