
Monday, 14 January 2013

WNO Remixes Lohengrin

As long as we don't end-up with a dub mix that includes Wagner with N Sync. Although, that might be better than the video we found below. We hasten to add nothing to do with the WNO project. By the way, a special mention to anyone who can find an image to go with this story. Trust us, we have tried.
Lohengrin Remixed is a project which will use the Welsh National Opera Summer 2013 Wagner repertoire as a platform to create workshops in which young people in Bristol and Birmingham will have the unique opportunity to work with composer Pete M Wyer and local DJs to remix classical opera and contemporary music. Following visits to see Welsh National Opera performances, participants will receive workshops and practical experience of remixing to create a new piece of music inspired by Lohengrin.
For more information on how to get involved, please contact Caroline Alford on 029 2063 5063 /