Mastodon Listen Now: "Rhinemaidens" Bayreuth 1904 - The Wagnerian

Listen Now: "Rhinemaidens" Bayreuth 1904

Written By The Wagnerian on Tuesday, 6 November 2012 | 3:35:00 pm

Illustration from Stories of the Wagner Opera by H. A. Guerber, 1905.

The three Rhinemaidens in Cosima Wagner's Bayreuth production singing scenes by Rheingold and Götterdämmerung:

1. Wallala! Wallalaleia! / Lugt, Schwestern!
2. Frau sonne sendet lichte strahlen

Josefine von Artner (Woglinde)
Marie Knüpfer- Egli (Wellgunde)
Ottilie Metzger (Flosshilde)

Recorded by G&T in Bayreuth, 1904
Illustrations of the production.