
Wednesday, 31 October 2012

The Geneva Festival Wagner : 1813-2013

Anyone unaware of the special place reserved for Switzerland in Richard Wagner’s life and the subtle set of influences the country brought to bear on his work need only reflect on his frequent sojourns in Geneva, his ten-year exile in Zurich and the six happy years he spent at Lake Lucerne. And so it would seem entirely appropriate that in the composer’s adopted country, the bicentenary of his birth should be an occasion for ambitious celebrations.

 The Wagner Geneva Festival 1813-2013, offering twenty events drawn from across the spectrum of artistic expression, including dance, theatre, painting and cinema will once again confirm the influence on art and ideas of the man responsible for the concept of Gesamtkunstwerk.

 From the Martin Bodmer Foundation exhibit devoted to an intellectual biography of the composer to a stage production of Der Fliegende Holländer, delivered in its original (Paris) version, the Wagner Geneva Festival contribution to the bicentenary has its sights set on a portrait that is faithful yet full of contrast.

Der Fliegende Holländer, Paris version, 1841
Four stage performances
Between 28 October and 5 November 2013

Programme available from 20 February 2013.
If you would like an invitation to the Festival launch on 19 February 2013, or to receive the Festival brochure by mail, or to receive newsletter updates, please register on this website