In case you missed, Rene Kollo - yes that Rene Kollo - has written his first novel. No, not a memoir, but a psychological thriller called, wait for it, The Murder of Little Tannhauser. While it took him ten years to write it (in fairness, between engagments,) and despite it's title is nothing to do with that Tannhauser or opera at all.
While I am sure that is nothing new, should you wish to catch him reading excerpts, and perhaps a little singing, you can catch him doing so in January - details below. Anyway, that's my excuse for a little Kollo Siegfried out of the way
Tickets available now online and www.kulturverein
Greene’s Jephtha
Fourteen years before Handel’s 1751 work Jephtha Maurice Greene produced a
different English language oratorio on the same theme and with the same
title. ...
1 day ago