"After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing, after all, as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true. --Spock in 'Amok Time'

Following yesterdays Tannhauser, next-up (well to be broadcasted anyway): another revival of Christoph Marthaler's Tristan und Isolde for Vulcans (I.E. Tristan without emotion - you see there was a reason for the Spock quote). By the way, the next new production of Tristan at Bayreuth (they do so love a revival after all) will not be until 2015's Katharina Wagner's production - papier-mâché mask makers; get your tenders in now.
Of course, this production is now available on DVD so at least you need not struggle to find out what is happening on stage as you listen. There is a good overview (at least it is balanced) of the production over at Musical Criticism - click here to read. Obviously, there are a lot of snippets on youtube and I include some here for your consideration.
So without fiurther ado, where, when and who:
When to Listen:
Friday, 29 July, from 15.57 (CET)
Where to Listen:
The Cast
Conductor - Peter Schneider
Director - Christoph Marthaler
Director of the revival - Anna-Sophie Mahler
Stage design - Anna Viebrock
Costumes - Anna Viebrock
Choral Conducting - Eberhard Friedrich
Dramaturgy - Malte Ubenauf
Tristan - Robert Dean Smith
Marke - Robert Holl
Isolde - Iréne Theorin
Kurwenal - Jukka Rasilainen
Melot - Ralf Lukas
Brangäne - Michelle Breedt
Junger Seemann - C - lemens Bieber
Ein Hirt - Arnold Bezuyen
Ein Steuermann - Martin Snell