Mastodon Dallas Opera: Tristan und Isolde - 2012 Clifton Forbis - Tristan, Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet - Isolde - The Wagnerian

Dallas Opera: Tristan und Isolde - 2012 Clifton Forbis - Tristan, Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet - Isolde

Written By The Wagnerian on Friday, 27 May 2011 | 1:43:00 am

Dallas opera will present a four performance, semi-staged production of Tristan und Isolde in 2012. featuring projections by , Elaine McCarthy.

Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet

Clifton Forbis


Tristan                             Clifton Forbis

Isolde                              Jeanne-Michèle Charbonnet

König Marke                   Kristinn Sigmundsson

Kurwenal                        Jukka Rasilainen

Brangäne                        Elizabeth Bishop

Ein Hirt                           Aaron Blake

Ein Junger Seemann         Aaron Blake


Conductor:                    Graeme Jenkins

Stage Director:              Christian Räth
Lighting Designer:          Alan Burrett
Video Design:               Elaine McCarthy
Chorus Master          : Alexander Rom


16, 19(m), 22, 25 February 2012